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Support The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe #NoDAPL


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(Printed, Made, And Shipped From The USA)

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Customer Reviews

Jackie Weaver


This pendant was more than I expected. I am so impressed with the craftsmanship

Lori Stewart


I got both necklaces. They are beautiful and so was the gift bags they came in. Thanks!

Sandra Bailey


The pendant is fine, but the split in the artwork in the words "Standing Rock" and "Sioux Tribe" makes them hard to read; and since I'm wearing it as a testimonial to the cause of this Tribe and their efforts to protect their homeland and our natural resources, wish it was more easily read.


BTW  I feel so strongly about the cause, I immediately bought the pendant; so I didn't consider if the proceeds beyond the manufacture go to the Indians' cause.  I certainly hope so!